Building Powerful Search Features with AWS OpenSearch and Node.js

Asim Hafeez
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2023


Quick access to information is vital for many applications and websites. Imagine you’re using a shopping app, reading a news website, or working with a data analysis tool — efficient searching is essential. This is where AWS OpenSearch comes into play. It acts like a super-smart search engine that helps you locate information swiftly. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to use AWS OpenSearch with Node.js, utilizing the @opensearch-project/opensearch library.

What is AWS OpenSearch?

AWS OpenSearch, previously known as Amazon Elasticsearch, is a powerful tool that simplifies searching for data. It’s like having an advanced search engine at your disposal for your application or website. OpenSearch can handle various types of data, whether it’s neatly organized, somewhat messy, or somewhere in between.

Here are some notable capabilities of AWS OpenSearch:

Instant Results

OpenSearch delivers instant search results, ensuring you don’t have to wait around for information.


If your application or website becomes increasingly popular, OpenSearch can scale alongside it, providing a bigger and faster search engine when needed.


OpenSearch prioritizes data security, employing encryption and access controls to safeguard your information, allowing only authorized access.

Data Integration

You can seamlessly integrate data from diverse sources into OpenSearch, making it ideal for tasks such as log analysis and monitoring.

Advanced Queries

OpenSearch understands complex queries, enabling you to ask detailed questions and receive prompt responses.

Setting Up AWS OpenSearch

Before you can utilize AWS OpenSearch with Node.js, you need to set up an OpenSearch cluster. Here’s a simplified overview of the process:

  1. Create an OpenSearch Cluster: Think of this as establishing a workspace. You give it a name and choose the capacity you require.
  2. Define Access Rules: To ensure your Node.js application can interact with the OpenSearch cluster, configure access rules to specify who can access it, just like granting entry to a club.
  3. Enhance Security: Make your cluster secure by implementing encryption, access controls, and authentication methods, similar to adding locks and guards to protect your workspace.
  4. Add Your Data: Start storing data in OpenSearch by specifying how it should be structured, much like organizing your documents in folders.

Now that your OpenSearch cluster is ready, let’s explore how to use @opensearch-project/opensearch with Node.js.

Using @opensearch-project/opensearch with Node.js

The @opensearch-project/opensearch library is like a magic tool that simplifies communication between your Node.js application and OpenSearch. It streamlines the process. To begin, install it using npm or yarn:

npm install @opensearch-project/opensearch

Once installed, you can integrate it into your Node.js app. Here’s a straightforward example of how to add data to OpenSearch:

const { Client } = require('@opensearch-project/opensearch');

const client = new Client({
node: 'https://your-opensearch-endpoint',

async function saveData(indexName, data) {
const response = await client.index({
index: indexName,
body: data,
return response;
const indexName = 'my_index';
const data = {
title: 'Example Document',
content: 'This is an example of using OpenSearch with Node.js.',
saveData(indexName, data)
.then((response) => {
console.log(`Data saved: ${response.body._id}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.error(`Error saving data: ${error}`);

In this example, we establish a connection to OpenSearch, set up an index (similar to a storage container), and insert a document (data) into it.

Searching for Information

Searching with @opensearch-project/opensearch is equally straightforward. Here's an example of how to search for information:

async function findData(indexName, keyword) {
const response = await{
index: indexName,
body: {
query: {
match: {
content: keyword,

return response.body.hits.hits;
const keyword = 'example';
findData(indexName, keyword)
.then((results) => {
console.log('Search Results:');
results.forEach((result) => {
console.log(`- ${result._source.title}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.error(`Error finding data: ${error}`);

In this search example, we instruct OpenSearch to locate documents (data) containing a specific keyword. It’s akin to asking a librarian to find books on a particular topic.

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AWS OpenSearch is akin to having a super-smart librarian for your data. When combined with Node.js and the @opensearch-project/opensearch library, it becomes effortless to communicate with this librarian. You can swiftly organize, search, and retrieve your data, enhancing your applications and websites, and making them more robust and user-friendly.

Whether you’re developing a shopping app, a news website, or a data analysis tool, AWS OpenSearch empowers you to offer an outstanding search experience to your users. Node.js and the @opensearch-project/opensearch library simplify the implementation, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of enhanced search capabilities. Embrace these newfound search superpowers and unlock new possibilities for your projects!

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